I hope someone can help me out. I searched but did not see this specific voicemail problem.
Recently, my voicemails do not show up unless I do a hard reset on my iPhone. Simply turning it off and back on does not work.
I had a message from July 2nd that I didnt recieve until I reset my phone on the 4th. It still says it came in on Thursday, it just didnt appear until it booted back up.
I just got off the phone with AT&T and they reset my data plan and voicemail plan, but it's still happening. I wanted to check on here before calling them back.
Hope someone can help!
Recently, my voicemails do not show up unless I do a hard reset on my iPhone. Simply turning it off and back on does not work.
I had a message from July 2nd that I didnt recieve until I reset my phone on the 4th. It still says it came in on Thursday, it just didnt appear until it booted back up.
I just got off the phone with AT&T and they reset my data plan and voicemail plan, but it's still happening. I wanted to check on here before calling them back.
Hope someone can help!