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Original poster
May 30, 2005
The wifi on my original iphone has began flaking out... oddly enough while warming up in front of a space heater I found that the wifi works perfectly when the phone is warm... but not at all when cold, and flaky when slightly warm (like fresh out of my pocket).

what in the world is going on??!! luckily this thing is still under applecare. What are the chances that I will get a 3g replacement? I have restored the phone (without restoring a backup) with no luck... still functions in every way other than flaky wifi.
I'd say leave it somewhere very hot overnight, like in a ziplock bag on your heater, the wifi chip needs to be hot to work, or it wont work, last resort, nuke it for like 4 or 5 seconds.
Applecare FTW! Called in on monday, got a shipping box & shipped the phone out tuesday morning, wednesday i get an email saying that my phone is being shipped back, I look at the repair status and see "product replaced". Thursday I get a brand new iphone. they must have a surplus of the old phones or something.
They still manufacture the iPhone 2G. They just dont sell it and it is in small quantities. Do you really think they will hand you a 3G after you bought the 2G?
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