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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 3, 2008
Hi Guys,
I have a question about streaming from multiple computers. I'm hoping you can help me with this.
I have an AppleTV 160gb running 2.1 or 2.2 that I stream to from 2 computers. One is a Mac Pro 8 Core w/ 10 gig of ram and when I stream from it in iTunes 8.0 everything works great. It's running the latest Leopard version. I stream over my network w/ an Airport Extreme base station. That computer's iTunes has an option in the bottom right corner of the window to turn on the AppleTv for streaming or keep the content on that Mac by selecting computer. Like I said, that computer streams fast and works great.
My other computer I stream from is a Mac Mini Intel Core 2 Duo also running Leopard. I have 2 external hard drives connected via firewire that hold my media for the AppleTV - mostly movies. I have no problem seeing this computer on my AppleTV and it plays uTube stuff just fine and gets content from the iTunes store w/o a problem. It'll play my music from my playlists just fine w/ no delay and AppleTV will see my shared movies file on this computer but the problem is that movies take f o r e v e r to stream from this computer. I don't see the option in the bottom right corner of iTunes on this computer to turn on the AppleTv or Computer settings and I'm wondering how I get that to show up as I suspect that to be the problem. I've been searching the forums and tried everything I can think of to no avail. Any ideas ?
Thanks for your time, frustrated in Utah
How are the devices connected? Wired or wireless? I would look at the two HD's connected to the Mini as the slow down.
They're connected via firewire 400. Music and podcasts stream just fine w/ no delays or long lags
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