Sorry if this is a really stupid question, but I haven't been able to find explicit confirmation that what I want to do is possible with the new Apple TV.
I want to be able to rip my DVDs, store the files on my Mac Mini, and stream those movies/TV shows to the Apple TV over WiFi. Is that possible? It sounds like it, but most of the Home Sharing references I've found just talk about audio and photos, and in some cases, videos that you purchase through the iTunes Store (which isn't something I'm interested in).
I want to be able to rip my DVDs, store the files on my Mac Mini, and stream those movies/TV shows to the Apple TV over WiFi. Is that possible? It sounds like it, but most of the Home Sharing references I've found just talk about audio and photos, and in some cases, videos that you purchase through the iTunes Store (which isn't something I'm interested in).