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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 6, 2007
Greater Manchester, England
Hi Guys,

I have a 1st gen iPhone and I am trying to upgrade it to 3.0.
I have installed iTunes 8.2 and sync'd with my iphone, when I did this it showed that it needed to be unlocked. So I have downloaded the 'redsnow' unlock tool and installed it on my PC, when I run the program it asks for the latest IPSW for my current firmware, when I browse to find it there is no IPSW. So I downloaded the 'iphone1,' file to my PC but when I extract the file it extracts into 8 different files rather than just one 'IPSW' file. When I try to browse the IPSW to add to the redsnow app it cannot be found.
The files inside the IPSW rar file are as follows:-


How do I just download the proper IPSW file as one? I have older IPSW files on my PC but cannot use them of course?

Any help would be appreciated very much!
This appears to be a very simple task using 'redsnow' according to Dev Teams instructions but I am stumped at the first part.


it showed that it needed to be unlocked.

I doubt that, what with the O2 carrier lock and all. ;)

but when I extract the file it extracts into 8 different files rather than just one 'IPSW' file.

Because you shouldn't have done that (It probably did it automatically).

Don't unlock it, get the .zip file back. Good? Okay, remove the ".zip" and confirm. It should change to a Lego.

Then just do a normal update in iTunes. Don't use ANY utility whatsoever.

Let us know how it goes.
So I downloaded the 'iphone1,' file to my PC but when I extract the file it extracts into 8 different files rather than just one 'IPSW' file.

Simple fix: Download it again using Firefox and not safari :D

Safari likes to extract all files it can after downloading them, even if they are not supposed to be. You could try disabling this in the settings or hunting around in the trash for the original file (it moves it there after extracting) if that would be easier.

EDIT: Maybe that's not the problem, the file should be a '.ipsw' not a zip.
Simple fix: Download it again using Firefox and not safari :D

Safari likes to extract all files it can after downloading them, even if they are not supposed to be. You could try disabling this in the settings or hunting around in the trash for the original file (it moves it there after extracting) if that would be easier.

EDIT: Maybe that's not the problem, the file should be a '.ipsw' not a zip.

Nope, that's exactly the problem. The file ends normally; it's actually "iphone1,", and so it is treated as a zip folder.

You can stop Safari from doing this for all files by unticking "Open 'safe' files after download", and then you'll have the file on your Desktop (Or wherever you download things) to modify at will.
Thanks for your replies!

I sussed it out that all I needed to do was change the file name at the end from '.zip' to '.ipsw' and then the redsnow app found the ipsw file and worked as it should.

Thanks again guys!
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