at one point, the internal DVD ROM drive on my 2008 Mac Pro stopped working - so I had it replaced with a new DVD ROM drive. This was about 2014. But about a year later, that new drive also stopped working.
I have an external DVD ROM drive, which sometimes gets stuck, but when that happens, there's a little pin hole on the lower right side of the door. When I stick a paper clip (straightened out) in there, the drive opens.
my question: is there any way to physically open the INTERNAL DVD ROM drive in the same fashion? Is there a tiny little hole somewhere, where I can stick in a paper clip or something?
need to knows! thanks!
I have an external DVD ROM drive, which sometimes gets stuck, but when that happens, there's a little pin hole on the lower right side of the door. When I stick a paper clip (straightened out) in there, the drive opens.
my question: is there any way to physically open the INTERNAL DVD ROM drive in the same fashion? Is there a tiny little hole somewhere, where I can stick in a paper clip or something?
need to knows! thanks!