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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 4, 2004
iPhone 8 256GB, iOS 15 (15.6.1)

For kicks I switched to UK English. I quickly changed back to US English. But I'm stuck having to say "full stop" instead of "period" when I want dictation to input "." .

I have changed to Canadian English followed by a restart (which I had to do manually even though alert said changing language would restart phone). And then back to U.S. English followed by a restart (which I had to do manually even though alert said changing language would restart phone).

The problem persists, in dictation, but not in Siri.

I want my U.S. dictation back (never mind everything else about the U.S.)



Apr 16, 2020
If you haven't already, for starteres I would remove all keyboards and turn off Dictation. Restart. Re-add the US English keyboard and turn Dictation back on.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 4, 2004
Yep, that did it! Didn't even need to restart or toggle dictation.

I forgot that keyboards are independent the of system-wide Language setting. And the Internet didn't help in this case. But macrumors did! Thank you!

(One more thing. I think I never actually changed system wide language, just keyboard. My mistake. Should we ask a mod to delete this thread?)
Last edited:


Apr 16, 2020
Yep, that did it! Didn't even need to restart or toggle dictation.

I forgot that keyboards are independent the of system-wide Language setting. And the Internet didn't help in this case. But macrumors did! Thank you!

(One more thing. I think I never actually changed system wide language, just keyboard. My mistake. Should we ask a mod to delete this thread?)
By all means, leave the thread because it may help someone else. You never know. Happy to hear it's resolved.
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