So, I need a Mac ASAP. I've left a job where I had a nMP where I had a G-Speed and a bunch of other Thunderbolt accessories for. Now, here's the hard part. I don't exactly want to go out spending a ton of money on buying a nMP from Apple since it's extremely outdated and there's a new machine coming out soon (hopefully). I'd rather have a temporary solution now to get a proper system later. The nMP's are scarce on the local used market (Craigslist. Kijiji). They're going for around $3000.
I've been thinking about grabbing a refurbished iMac Pro from Apple for a few reasons. They come with a display (one less thing to buy), and since they're relatively new I don't think I'd have a problem flipping it when I want to upgrade again. They're a bit more (looking like $5500).
I have a gaming machine at home with a good monitor, so I can hook it up to that for now until I get a new office. I don't really have space for an iMac Pro at home, but I can obviously make it work.
What to do?
I've been thinking about grabbing a refurbished iMac Pro from Apple for a few reasons. They come with a display (one less thing to buy), and since they're relatively new I don't think I'd have a problem flipping it when I want to upgrade again. They're a bit more (looking like $5500).
I have a gaming machine at home with a good monitor, so I can hook it up to that for now until I get a new office. I don't really have space for an iMac Pro at home, but I can obviously make it work.
What to do?