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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 3, 2008
I just jailbroke my 3GS using redsn0w and all went smoothly. I had the Cydia icon and was able to do the essential update for it. I rebooted the phone afterwards. I then went into Cydia to download Mobile Substrate and it loaded. It then asked me to Reload Springboard which I selected. Now it's just hanging there with the round timer icon spinning. It says "Complete" at the top but it appears to be stuck. WTF?
I just let it hang for a few more minutes and then decided to just do a hard reset. It took a bit of time to reboot but it came back. All seems to be working/installing fine. ::scratches head:: Whatever.
This happened to me too. I did the same thing as you. But I also went back an reinstalled mobilesubstrate over wifi and it worked fine. You might do the same just in case you screwed it up by hard resetting.
I just reinstalled Mobile Substrate as you suggested and everything went smoothly. I was on Wifi the first time but for some reason it did that. Hey, I'm not complaining; it's working.
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