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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 5, 2008
I just tried to update to 2.2, ran through pwnagtool, and listened to the tuts very vividly. everything seemed to work fine. now when i turn my phone on it stays on the apple boot screen. I can turn it off, but thats it. what do i do?

i cant get it to enter dfu mode or recovery mode. please help!
I just tried to update to 2.2, ran through pwnagtool, and listened to the tuts very vividly. everything seemed to work fine. now when i turn my phone on it stays on the apple boot screen. I can turn it off, but thats it. what do i do?

i cant get it to enter dfu mode or recovery mode. please help!

Try to enter dfu mode manually, or you can try hard reset and I would update normally through iTunes and use winpwn
My suggestion would be to use quickpwn and when the program puts the phone in recovery mode disconnect the phone. At this point there should be the connect to itunes screen on your phone.

Close out quickpwn and open itunes, connect the phone and restore from back up. That will get you your phone back and then you could either leave it as is or try again.
restore from dfu mode and try jailbreaking again

did no one read my post? I clearly stated that my phone would NOT enter dfu mode. thanks for the help guys! [/sarcasm]

And to the others, I'm on a mac. plus qickpwn sucks. pwnage tool is the only thing I mess with.
Mine did this too. It stayed on the Apple logo for about a half an hour. Finally i got disgusted and unplugged it and turned it off. Restarted it. Did the same thing. Turned it off....Restarted it. And just as I was sitting down to look up how to restore it .... it started!!! I was sweating bullets for a while thinking i bricked it (b/c iTunes also wouldn't recognize it). But not it works just fine! I have no idea why it got hung up on reboot, but it's working fine now and has shut down and restarted just fine since then.
did no one read my post? I clearly stated that my phone would NOT enter dfu mode. thanks for the help guys! [/sarcasm]

And to the others, I'm on a mac. plus qickpwn sucks. pwnage tool is the only thing I mess with.

Quickpwn doesn't suck I use it everytime I jailbreak. If you perfer pwnage then fine but quickpwn is a great tool to use. When I've had this happen (stuck at apple screen) I've just turned the phone off and started it in dfu mode. Its always worked for me so i'm not sure why you're having problems. You said you're on a Mac if you have 10.5.6 then you'll probably need a use hub for the computer to recognize the phone in dfu mode.
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