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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 5, 2012
You know the finder window that pops up if you are browsing the web and have to upload a file? This exact window has caused me weeks of grief and I'm hoping the MacRumors community might have a suggestion.

It is ALWAYS 100% full width, which is HUGE on a 27" monitor. If the window is on the left, it pushes the whole window center, opens the finder prompt at 100% width then.

Doesn't matter if I toggle on/off full screen mode or anything. Restarted. Force Quite. Re-Launched finder. I'm out of ideas. Hopefully this is the correct thread for such a question.



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Is this happening in all apps, or just this one (can't tell what app is up)?
Great question. I'm fairly sure it is just in Safari.
I'm not at home currently to double check but I'm pretty sure. Any ideas with that?
Never seen such a thing. But judging from the screenshot, might be due to in "columnar" mode? Not sure what the official name is, but, looks like the file navigator box is setup to open selected folders in the next column to the right of said item. Change to list mode, see what happens?
Wow, I changed the "view" and it didn't help at all, but then I realized I might be able to resize from the side and voila. Unbelievable how I didn't think of that... I'm so used to shortcut keys to resize correctly I didn't even think of resizing by the edge. It's missing the resize icon in the corner too... gah.
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