You'll be an even poorer college student with a permanent case of the grins
The sweet spot is the 2.66 GHz with no less than 2 GB RAM (4X512) and the
ATI X1900, but you'll be back ordering about 4-5 weeks for that video card.
Unless you are already an advanced user rendering HD content, you could get by with the stock video card for now.
Buying enough of the correct FB ECC RAM for these machines is what hurts the most.
A thrifty poor college student might consider waiting 2 or 3 months for one of these beauties to turn up on the refub pages.
You may not need a MacPro Tower yet.
Even at education prices, your software requirements are considerable.
How much machine will you need to run Adobe CS3, FinalCutStudioHD, Logic Pro 8

Once you can afford to buy them.
With machines upgrading so rapidly, I would talk to the film studies instructor and find out how much computer you really need to cover the first 2 years.
Once you learn how to use all the software, then consider how good the workstations will be in 2 years.
For learning, you might be fine with a 2.0 GHz MacBook for now and save up
for a serious workstation once the need presents itself.