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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 5, 2002
I was wondering if someone could give me a review of the Macromedia Studio MX04 suite, well not so much a review but info on the Pro version of Flash vs the normal version. I am walking the fence between getting the Pro or going with the normal set.

Simply but, would I miss anything from Pro if I went with the normal? I have read what it has but have not talked with anyone who has used it (we were suppose to get it at work but there was a blunder and now we have the normal and I have not been using much seeing how most clients are looking for static nowadays).

I have been debating this purchase since day one, and now that I have the money I am considering purchasing the set, mainly for the updated DW, of which I have heard is slow, this true?

Thanks for any input. I have read some reviews online but no one seems to really talk much about the differences.

The only reason I am upgrading is because work did, I don't need it, just think it would make life easier for when I work at home.

Thanks for any help :D
i don't think that the pro version is worth the extra money, unless of course you are an absolute pro...
DW04 debuted at 7.0 which was pretty unbearable... 7.0.1 fixed up a couple bugs and dramatically increased the speed, so you should be okay... (this is on a 800MHz G4 iMac with 512 RAM)

if i was you, which i'm not, i would go for the regular version...
sry i don't really know the exact differences, but it's not that much of a big deal... at least to me...

Stock answer #17: If you have to ask whether you need a pro app or not, you probably don't. Generally when you need it you know you need it and nothing else will do--without any doubt.

But if you're curious, Macromedia has nicely put up a page detailing the differences between the two. It's here, and isn't that hard to find.
I have the education version of Studio MX 2004 with Flash Professional. I wanted the Professional edition simply because it was all about programming and I've spent almost half of my life developing software, as well as doing graphic design.

I am still looking for that programming environment. :D It doesn't look much different than Flash MX to me.

The applications, with the patches, work reasonably well overall and the extra integration is extremely useful.
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