My dad just bought a new iMac, so I went over to help him out since this is his first Mac. I like the new low profile of the keyboard, and to my surprise, the feel of the keys, but that's beside the point--today I'm here to show my disdain for Apple's new assignment of the function keys. It seems like they changed it just to change it, and crippled it in the process. F9-F12 used to house expose thru dashboard. Well, now they've moved those functions to the F3 region, and condensed them down to 3 keys, omitting the F10 (app specific expose) function. Why did they change (for no apparently good reason) AND cripple it? This seems to be a recent Apple theme, and I'm getting sick of it. The worst part is, that in the Keyboard CP, the assignments still reflect the original locations (read, no obvious way to revert the assignments).