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macrumors 68020
Original poster
May 16, 2013
Kansas, USA
This may be a stupid question, but does the rMBP use a similar cable to the cMBP to connect the SSD to the logic board?

My beloved 2009 MBP has been burning through hd cables for the last two years. I believe I'm on my fifth cable and definitely on my third HDD. I've had it repaired both by Apple and an authorized service provider (now out of business). Obviously I no longer have AppleCare on a 4 year old machine. I got an incredibly awesome genius who gave me a new HDD and cable (as well as a new MagSafe) in May because I had had so many repairs done and no solution yet found. I suspect it's something on my logic board, but they haven't found anything even after a "full diagnostic".

With all of the hard drive problems as well as terrible battery life and a recurring sleep issue, I've been seriously thinking about getting an rMBP whenever they refresh with haswell (hopefully before Christmas and the spring semester). But I need some reassurance that I won't have similar problems down the road. I definitely won't get a pc, but I might suffice with my current machine and an iPad until I can afford an iMac and don't need a laptop as much.

With a new HDD and new RAM I won't be getting rid of the 2009. It will probably become a desktop replacement for photo and file storage. And please no suggestions of just installing an SSD in my current machine. I suspect a logic board or hd cable connector problem, so solid state won't fix the issue.
Last edited:
Nov 28, 2010
It is a slot directly on the logic board, as seen in the following photo taken from here:
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