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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 21, 2010
N. Kentucky
Just got the Apple TV from UPS. Hooked up, everything went fine, and now about an hour into using it, I can't listen to a full song without it stuttering and essentially muting itself before becoming audible again. I'm playing from iTunes on my MBP and the time elapsed on the MBP keeps going but the time elapsed on the tv pauses, skips a few seconds, skips another few seconds, then begins playing again.

Anyone else having this problem and what can cure it?
I can't seem to find anyone else who has complained about this. I tested my wireless connection and it checks out fine. It really appears to be a problem with the Apple TV itself. If it continues, I will most likely be giving AppleCare a call and returning it. I need to get my MBP serviced anyway so a trip to the closest Apple Store isn't going to be all that wasted.
After messing around with some of the settings, found that turning off AirPlay did the trick. I really am not sure what AirPlay is supposed to do and how it conflicted, but I'm now listening to music stutter free.
I feel like a complete loser being the only one posting stuff in this thread, but rather than saturating the forum, I'll stick to posting here.

Anyway, I'm still stuttering after turning AirPlay off. Music was fine that day and yesterday, but today, AirPlay is off and it was stuttering. Turned it back on and it still stutters. So I truly have no idea what the problem is. Giving AppleCare a call.
i support you!

Ha thanks! I was hoping you had a suggestion for me.. I have a hard time believing I'm the only one who experiences this problem. I just reconnected everything that is wireless in this house (reset both cable modem and AEBS), reconfigured internet connection, etc. Still having stuttering issues with music playback. From what I've read elsewhere, it seems like if I call Apple, they're going to tell me it's the wi-fi connection, but the Apple TV shows 4 out of the 5 bars of connection. I don't get it.
Yeah, you would think that streaming music should have no problems at all, especially considering both devices are in the same room, with nothing between them. But who knows. I'll wait a couple days for responses on the Apple discussions and if nothing comes through, give AppleCare a call.
Do you experience this issue only with music? Or does it manifest itself when playing video. I get stuttering when playing video on my new AppleTV. I'm streaming over WiFi from my iTunes.
Do you experience this issue only with music? Or does it manifest itself when playing video. I get stuttering when playing video on my new AppleTV. I'm streaming over WiFi from my iTunes.

For the most part, yes. I watched some Netflix and it stuttered for a few seconds (video kept playing, audio went out) but that was it. Music from laptop to ATV though has been stuttering multiple times throughout a song though. It's gotten better, but I don't know how. I still don't know why music turns itself off. I listen to music through the ATV when I go to sleep and when I wake up, the music is off and some pictures of animals are staring at me.
stuttering itunes

i ONLY get stuttering when using atv2 to stream itunes movies and tv shows from my itunes library. it happens with my library both on my macbook and my windows xp computer. i do not get stuttering when i directly connect my macbook to my tv and amp. i also do not get stuttering when playing music from my itunes library. i do not get stuttering when playing movies i have created with imovie and stream from my itunes library to my apple tv.
if i order tv shows from my atv, the audio streams without any issues.
netflix streams from my atv beautifully...
so what is with itunes tv and movie rentals???
iTunes streaming to ATV

I am sort of with you on this. When I stream my MBP iTunes library to my ATV it stutters the music for a second of silence every 30-45 seconds. Super annoying.

But when I stream my iMac iTunes library to ATV there is never an issue. My iMac is connected directly to my router, while my MBP is wireless.

That makes me think it is a wireless connection issue.

Anyone have this issue?
Same issue here. I became so frustrated with watching something on Netflix I actually brought out my 50' ethernet cable and plugged the thing directly into my router. Problem solved, except for the stupid ethernet cable that I can trip on whenever I walk across the room.
I'm using Apple TV 2nd gen with iTunes opened on my PC laptop (Windows 7), and I get the stuttering described in this thread only when streaming music using AirPlay. Not when streaming video using AirPlay, and not when streaming music accessing the library from Apple TV.
Very annoying indeed.
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