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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 25, 2013
I have recently used Handbrake to digitalize some DVDs of mine. That worked perfect, but the subtitles where in the VOBSUB format, which my iDevices doesn't support. I know that I could have used hard subtitles, but I want to be able to turn the subtitles on or off. I do also know that VLC for iOS supports VOBSUB, but VLC does a bad job at sorting the episodes in the correct order. I do therefor want to use iTunes and the TV-app.

I have therefor used a program called Subler to convert the subtitles to a iDevice-friendly format. That worked almost perfectly, but there are a few annoying bugs in the subtitles (even with the tessdata file for my language installed). So the questions are:

  1. Are there any ways to edit the subtitles inside Subler so I can manually correct the few mistakes?
  2. Are there any other program (free) that allows to edit subtitles without the need to first export the subtitles as .srt files?

Thanks in advance.
Jubler might be your solution for editing outside Subler. When I was using Subler, it did not have the capability to create srt subtitles. In my opinion, and it's the way I did almost all of my forced subtitles, was to download the srt file from various website sources and add them to the video file using Subler. You can also use Subler to adjust the timing of the subtitles.
Jubler might be your solution for editing outside Subler. When I was using Subler, it did not have the capability to create srt subtitles. In my opinion, and it's the way I did almost all of my forced subtitles, was to download the srt file from various website sources and add them to the video file using Subler. You can also use Subler to adjust the timing of the subtitles.

Thanks. I will take a look at Jubler. Can you recommend any site for downloading subtitles?
Jubler will do what you ask.

Subscene og Subtitleseeker is where I get subtitles for the few movies where they don't include them on the disc.
Jubler will do what you ask.

Subscene og Subtitleseeker is where I get subtitles for the few movies where they don't include them on the disc.

Thanks. I am able to export the subtitles in .srt format from Subler and then open them in Jubler. Look promising! Will do some more tests before I mark this thread as solved.
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