Jobs is actually half Syrian in terms of his biological parents, but was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs when he was a baby. Not that this has anything to do with anything, just figured I'd respond to the "Jobs is Persian" thing in case it gets quoted as fact later.
The swastika is not an innately evil symbol any more than the red used in Nazi flags is an innately evil color. It's an ancient symbol that the Nazis borrowed. It represents the creation of the universe and a grounded, balanced approach to life. Jobs is a Buddhist, and if he ever used it, that would be the context. However, I doubt he was standing there telling people how to arrange iPads for the picture or digitally.
But this is a bit of a conversational goose chase, because the photo doesn't show a swastika in any clear form, the photographer probably didn't have a swastika in mind when he arranged the iPads, and if he did, he probably wasn't trying to ... uh, sneak in a pro-Hitler commentary in a gadget ad (that's what we're talking about, I assume?).