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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 20, 2008
London, UK
I wondered why my iCal subscription calendars have started to sync with MobileMe in the last few days. It seems that these now sync with MobileMe if you have OS 3.1. So I've simply removed the subscriptions on the iPhone and everything just syncs with MobileMe. :)
Indeed - which is why I was so confused. My iPhone was saying they're on MobileMe, but they weren't. Now I see that it just syncs the subscriptions, which is great - how it always should have been.

I now realise this was mentioned on the Mac Rumors news item, but I missed it, and I'm sure others have!
Resurrecting a dead thread, I know, but at least I'm using the search function ha.

Anyway, I have the iCal Beta on MobileMe, and I subscribed to a couple iCals from a third-party site that is showing successfully on my iPhone, however it's not syncing to the site nor to my MBP. Any ideas? Is this due to the Beta or something that won't work either way? I thought the idea was to have everything sync through the "cloud", which works for normal things I add to the calendar, but not subscriptions. I wouldn't think it would be any different, no?
Resurrecting a dead thread, I know, but at least I'm using the search function ha.

Anyway, I have the iCal Beta on MobileMe, and I subscribed to a couple iCals from a third-party site that is showing successfully on my iPhone, however it's not syncing to the site nor to my MBP. Any ideas? Is this due to the Beta or something that won't work either way? I thought the idea was to have everything sync through the "cloud", which works for normal things I add to the calendar, but not subscriptions. I wouldn't think it would be any different, no?
They cover this in the FAQ section for the BETA. Subscriptions are not yet supported by MobileMe Web (the cloud). You can separately subscribe to calendars on the iPhone and on the Mac but not the Web. Everything Sync's to the Web (the cloud).
They cover this in the FAQ section for the BETA. Subscriptions are not yet supported by MobileMe Web (the cloud). You can separately subscribe to calendars on the iPhone and on the Mac but not the Web. Everything Sync's to the Web (the cloud).

Ah I suppose I should've checked the iCal Beta FAQ. Thanks for the answer!
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but, I was wondering if I should just sync iCal with MobileMe or if I should subscribe to the MobileMe calendars? Is one way better than the other?
I have the beta installed too but now my birthday subscribtion does not show up on my iPhone while it does on my MBP iCal and
So on my iPhone i just have the default iOS4 birthday calendar on which you cannot change the calendar color...i wish i had my birthday subscription calendar on so i could change the color...
Any idea why?
iPhone or iPod touch (with iOS 3.1) and iPad (with iOS 3.2)

Subscription calendars configured in iCal on your Mac will sync via MobileMe to your iPhone or iPod touch running iOS 3.1 or later, or to an iPad.

This is not true!!! I have my birthday calendar subscribtion on my iCal it syncs to MM web far so good...but will not show un under my MobileMe account on my iPhone!!! So what Apples report above is not correct.
Following a chat with the MM support they confirmed that subscribtion calendars on iCal will show up on but won't on the iPhone.

iPhone or iPod touch (with iOS 3.1) and iPad (with iOS 3.2)

Subscription calendars configured in iCal on your Mac will sync via MobileMe to your iPhone or iPod touch running iOS 3.1 or later, or to an iPad.

This is not true!!! I have my birthday calendar subscribtion on my iCal it syncs to MM web far so good...but will not show un under my MobileMe account on my iPhone!!! So what Apples report above is not correct.
Following a chat with the MM support they confirmed that subscribtion calendars on iCal will show up on but won't on the iPhone.


That's strange! I have birthdays working on my iPhone 3GS running OS4
Though nothing on my iPad yet
That's strange! I have birthdays working on my iPhone 3GS running OS4
Though nothing on my iPad yet

Under what category is your birthday calendar on your iPhone...if it is under other it is the built it birthday cal fetching birth dates from your iPhone address book and i have that one too. And you cannot change the color of that calendar.
Or is it under subscribtion category as you published your iCal birthday calendar?
What i am looking for anyway is to have my subscribtion calendar that is on my iCal and to also pop up automatically on my iPhone...
Under what category is your birthday calendar on your iPhone...if it is under other it is the built it birthday cal fetching birth dates from your iPhone address book and i have that one too. And you cannot change the color of that calendar.
Or is it under subscribtion category as you published your iCal birthday calendar?
What i am looking for anyway is to have my subscribtion calendar that is on my iCal and to also pop up automatically on my iPhone...

O right I see. No it's under other so it is the built in one. I didn't realize this. I agree it would be better to allow it to populate on the iPhone from instead as a subscription :)
O right I see. No it's under other so it is the built in one. I didn't realize this. I agree it would be better to allow it to populate on the iPhone from instead as a subscription :)

Yep and this is my issue as we cannot change the color of the birthday cal under other like we could if it was coming from or even simpler: have the possibility to select calendar colors on the iPhone...How difficult is that? Too dificult for Apple maybe...
Duplicate US Holiday subscription items on iCal

I am a relatively new MacBook user (just got our 1st Apple product in Feb 2012). I just recently purchased an iPhone 4S so opted to use iCal to track birthdays, etc. between our MacBook Air and the iPhone.

I have inadvertently added the US Holiday calendar subscription to our iCal. :eek: Of course, I am not allowed to change/delete any "subscription" events.

How do I remove the duplicate US Holiday calendar items/subscription from iCal? HELP!!!
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