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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 14, 2017

SubShifter 2

Meet SubShifter 2.0, an incredibly simple app to shift or sync your subtitles files in seconds.
  • SHIFT: Select your file, select the shift period, hit the "Shift" button, save the results. Done.
  • SYNC (new V2): Select your file, select two subtitles, enter their correct timings, hit the "Sync" button, save the results. Done.
The new SYNC functionality allows your to fix drifting subtitles (subtitles whose shift increases through time).



  • supports Dark Mode
  • supports the TouchBar
  • supports Drag & Drop
  • is fully compatible with macOS Catalina (requires macOS Sierra 10.2.2 or later)

You can download it on the Mac App Store via this link.
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