I was wondering if I could find an old version of Pages in a store and just buy it for maybe $20.
Yes, I do that while booted to 10.10.5 (Yosemite)Weird, isnt it? The App Store doesnt offer me "Buy" but "Get". You ARE doing this with an OS older than the 10. 14 they say is required?
Well, I downloaded the iWork09Trial.mpkg alright, from "downloads.silicon.co.uk", and installed it. But now if i go to open the app I get a message saying it cant be opened because it is from an unidentified developer.
"Your security preferences allow installation of only apps from the Mac App Store and identified developers."
So -- change my security prefs?
The concept of "intuitiveness" is relative to one's pre-existing knowledge and experience. There are those who use iWorks but have never seen AppleWorks who think that iWorks is intuitive.Well, after fooling around with Pages and Keynote a while, I have to say AppleWorks was a lot better. AppleWorks was very intuitive. Now, I havent been able to find out how to activate a text box that's in the document so I can move it, or how to get rid of it. All Caps is called "Emphasis style". I think the designers at iWorks must have studied typography under Bob Ross. Ah well, it's better than nothing.