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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Apr 10, 2006
Ellicott City, MD
I was looking for a Simplify replacement after it got turned off. There are a few Subsonic client apps out there, but they cost a few bucks. I know a lot of app users aren't big on spending cash on music apps, so I decided to make a Subsonic client for free (with iAds). It's not the most feature-rich client, but it works.

iTunes Description:
SubStream allows you to have your entire music library in your pocket. You'll never have to worry about which songs to sync to your iPhone again.

SubStream is an iPhone client app for the streaming server Subsonic. Figment, Inc. is not affiliated in any way with Subsonic, but their server component is required for this app to work.

You'll need to install and configure Subsonic on your computer. You can get it from and follow the instructions. If you want to stream over 3G, you'll need to forward the port on your router to your computer. A site like could help if you don't know how to do that. If streaming over 3G, another thing to note is that when entering the Server info, you'll have to put your external IP in, not your internal one. So go to a site like on the computer Subsonic is running on to get the IP. Once it's installed and configured (you'll have to setup a password, point it at your music directory, etc), you're ready to go.

Create playlists in the web interface and load/play them in the app. No creating of playlists within the app yet, sorry.

Windows users: You may have to make adjustments to your Windows Firewall for the app to work. Also, Windows version of Subsonic uses port 80 by default. It is highly recommended you change this port to something higher so your ISP won't block it if you wish to stream over 3G.

If you experience static while streaming iTunes AAC/m4a files: Log into the web interface for Subsonic. Click on "Settings" then on "Players." On the "Select Player" dropdown, choose "SubStream" and scroll down to the "Transcoding" section. In there, make sure you have the m4a->mp3 and aac->mp3 boxes checked. After that, you can stream your iTunes-purchased (non-DRM) music just fine to the app.

Features in 0.7.0:
- Browse your library
- Stream individual songs, albums, and playlists
- FREE (iAd supported)
- Streams at 64k (for now)

I'm aware of some buffering issues and a few other little glitches. These will be fixed soon. There are a few other features I'll be adding in when I get the time. Updates to TrackMyPhone and WeatherAlert are taking most of my app development time at the moment. Enjoy.

App Store URL:
ZumoCast is better.

Zumocast does music, video, and any files with iPhone support (xls, pdf, etc), and soon a thumbnailed picture viewer. You can stream from your machine or download the media or files to your iPhone for offline viewing. Works great over wifi or 3G (that is with the latest update released today, though I've only tried music so far -- used to hiccup before this version). It's a universal app, and both versions have a nice interface. And you can access anything you could from your iPhone or iPad from any computer via a browser- actually a fairly similar experience to the iPhone and iPad apps regarding features and layout. Oh, and I almost forgot, this freakin thing is FREE. At least for now.
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