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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 17, 2003
South America
I have a a 2G iPhone on firmware 1.1.1. I would like to have v3.0 on my phone.

So are there any success stories of upgrading from version 1 to 3 and having an unlocked phone? Which method did you use?
yeah man - it was simples!

Though I'd like to hear what its doing to peoples battery life.
Thanks. OK. I don't have an option to backup my iPhone in iTunes if I right-click it. Maybe because I'm still running iTunes 7.4.2? But in ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup there is a folder that was modified today, when I synced my iPhone.

What version of iTunes should I install?

If I install a new version of iTunes won't I risk that it will re-lock my jailbroken, unlocked v.1.1.1 iPhone? That's the reason I'm still running 7.4.2 :eek:

If something goes wrong, can I restore it back so it's completely like it is now?

yeah man - it was simples!

Though I'd like to hear what its doing to peoples battery life.

Did your battery life get worse?
You need iTunes 8.2 for this. No worries about re-locking, the 2G will always be unlockable.

I've noticed no problems on battery life since updating mine.

I am not sure you'll be able to get back to 1.1.1, but I really think you won't need to and won't want to. 3.0 rocks :)
I've upgraded my 2G iPhone to 3.0 and jailbroke and unlocked them. 3.0 runs very slowly, even without any Cydia apps installed. Push notifications aren't working, and P2P games aren't even supported! It's blindingly obvious that Apple is just very slowly phasing out the old phones, though they are still perfectly usable ones! Perhaps Apple should just release a new "iPhone S"! :D
runs very slowly, even without any Cydia apps installed.

Not slow for me, something else must be wrong. Try not restoring any backup. I have a 2g and 3g and they both seem to run about the same speed and definitely faster than 2.2.1.
It worked great! Running firmware 03 now. Installed an app from the official app store for the first time :)

Thanks mutton and everyone else.
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