Anyone switched away from Dreamweaver because of the new subscription plan? Anyone have a suggestion for a program that is as good or better, or at least comes close to Dreamweaver that is a one-time purchase?
Thank you
Dreamweaver has no longer been relevant for years so you should certainly move way from it. Professional web developers have long ago moved to, or stayed with, text/code editors such as Sublime, Brackets, BBedit, etc., and laymen web content editors and bloggers have moved to using the WYSIWYG editors within Content Management Systems (CMSs) such as Drupal, WordPress, WIX, Squarespace, etc.
Therefore, do yourself a favor and save some cash by either learning HTML5 and adopting a free editor like Brackets or moving your website to a CMS that includes an integrated WYSIWYG editor. If we are all lucky, Dreamweaver produced websites will soon die a rapid death alongside of those that use Adobe Shockwave or Adobe Flash.
I totally agree: Sandvox for WYSIWYG and maybe Adobe Muse (if you want to stick with Adobe).Depends on what you're looking for.
There's the easy to use products like
Rapidweaver, Sandvox or macFlux
There's the blog content, that wordpress excels at, then there's products like Coda 2 and of course DreamWeaver.
Just bought Coda 2- messign around with it. So far it is great. I'll update here with some more impressions.
Therefore, do yourself a favor and save some cash by either learning HTML5 and adopting a free editor like Brackets or moving your website to a CMS that includes an integrated WYSIWYG editor. If we are all lucky, Dreamweaver produced websites will soon die a rapid death alongside of those that use Adobe Shockwave or Adobe Flash.
I wish this way to be more straightforward.
Giving the fact that the mainstream and the majority of hosting servers provide full and somehow limited support on only a few cms solutions, so lets say...wordpress and joomla,
I wonder how easy is to suggest to someone 'take a cms with integrated WYSIWYG support', when he will hit on the wall of the hosting provider.
I really want to move on from dreamweaver to other modern solutions,
I can't give up the flexibility of visual design and take precise visually control of every element of my pages,
or be a programmer to learn 'frameworks' of new cms systems, just to obtain again this old visual wysiwyg ability that I have for decades....
And please tell me if I am wrong...
Haha!! Fell for the dead post. Please forgive this...
You are not wrong, it was pig ignorant to suggest something like that 2 years ago and it still is today. People maybe able to code but most can't design a decent looking web page for toffee.
WYSIWYG editors that server providers have are still carp and provide nothing like the range of options you get from a more sophistacated piece of software.
In many you can't do basic things.
Until the day server hosts provide fully functioning editors - not the carp they currently do - relying purely on a CMS solution would be foolish.