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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 6, 2016
Hey everyone. I've recently started eating healthily and exercising with the help of the Apple Watch and some great apps that track everything, and I've found myself so motivated by the achievements and tracking, and enthusiastic about losing weight and getting fit that I wondered if there are some apps that do a similar thing with work/projects.

I'm a final year undergrad and I've always struggled with procrastination and lack of motivation. Does anyone know of an iPhone app that will manage multiple projects, track progress on them and give achievements?

Integration with Apple Watch and Mac would be awesome bonuses but not necessarily necessary.

Thanks all :)

EDIT: I guess what I am getting at, is that the health and fitness apps motivate you by tracking your progress and incentivising you to progress further by game-ifying the process. Are there any apps out there for project management that do this? Apps that are primarily OSX rather than iOS also welcomed. Thanks :)
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