Sorry to bother you all, but I have a quick question(s).
I unlocked my iPhone with a SIM unlock last Friday, but anytime I loose a signal or turn my phone off, when I again pick up the T-Mobile signal on my phone, I get a new voicemail notification. My vooicemail box is completely empty, no messages. I have to call voicemail and let the phone know that there is no messages, then the notification goes away.
Does anyone know how to fix that? Would it be better to stick with this SIM unlock or download the software unlock and run that? I'm just curious as to what you all would do. Thanks!
I unlocked my iPhone with a SIM unlock last Friday, but anytime I loose a signal or turn my phone off, when I again pick up the T-Mobile signal on my phone, I get a new voicemail notification. My vooicemail box is completely empty, no messages. I have to call voicemail and let the phone know that there is no messages, then the notification goes away.
Does anyone know how to fix that? Would it be better to stick with this SIM unlock or download the software unlock and run that? I'm just curious as to what you all would do. Thanks!