Ok. I am currently using a freecom classics 80gb. mb, well less htan 10 gb left, so i think its time to think about the future (yeh and not the past whatever).
The freecom i have now is ok, but its slow because i think? its a usb 1 drive and its loud and its ugly. and i so want the time machine! (imagin not having to go through the trouble of backing up music and pics when i update)!
so i am in the market for a bigger external that will be compatible with the time machine, more aesthetically pleasing (i honestly don't know where the freecom is, its so butt ugly, i've hidden it somehwere) and most of all FAST. i can't stand anythikng that is slow, i am impatient. I want to use the external to be my music and pics drive (ie possibly keeping the freecom as a backup)
so... macbook-> new drive (music and pics)[must be good looking enough to live on the desk]->freecom, [shall be reformated i guess] back up.
any suggestions? considering i only bought the freecom because it was the cheapest on the market?
oh and a good cheap 1/2gb pen drive suggestion would be nice too. i currently have a bytestar and it is so frigging fat that it can't fit into the mb withouth the other usb port unplugged. i know its picky of me, but i can't sacrifice my wireless mouse and keyboard for that.
thank you loveys!
(edit: or should i get a bigger internal? mid you i am a complete klutz)
The freecom i have now is ok, but its slow because i think? its a usb 1 drive and its loud and its ugly. and i so want the time machine! (imagin not having to go through the trouble of backing up music and pics when i update)!
so i am in the market for a bigger external that will be compatible with the time machine, more aesthetically pleasing (i honestly don't know where the freecom is, its so butt ugly, i've hidden it somehwere) and most of all FAST. i can't stand anythikng that is slow, i am impatient. I want to use the external to be my music and pics drive (ie possibly keeping the freecom as a backup)
so... macbook-> new drive (music and pics)[must be good looking enough to live on the desk]->freecom, [shall be reformated i guess] back up.
any suggestions? considering i only bought the freecom because it was the cheapest on the market?
oh and a good cheap 1/2gb pen drive suggestion would be nice too. i currently have a bytestar and it is so frigging fat that it can't fit into the mb withouth the other usb port unplugged. i know its picky of me, but i can't sacrifice my wireless mouse and keyboard for that.
thank you loveys!
(edit: or should i get a bigger internal? mid you i am a complete klutz)