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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 6, 2008
Wow, I was told that these two programs worked with 1.1.4

However, they don't. What the hell? How do I go back to 1.1.2?
Wow, I was told that these two programs worked with 1.1.4

However, they don't. What the hell? How do I go back to 1.1.2?

i got summerboard working on 1.1.4

i downloaded a summerboard tweak, its called "SMB Themes FIX" and is located in TWEAKS 1.1.3

worked a treat then!

just installed phiberglass theme :)
i got summerboard working on 1.1.4

i downloaded a summerboard tweak, its called "SMB Themes FIX" and is located in TWEAKS 1.1.3

worked a treat then!

just installed phiberglass theme :)

Thanks, just found it.

But I noticed that Wi-Fi doesn't work at all for me now.

I have to use edge.......
i got summerboard working on 1.1.4

i downloaded a summerboard tweak, its called "SMB Themes FIX" and is located in TWEAKS 1.1.3

worked a treat then!

just installed phiberglass theme :)

Does this tweak help some of the themes work? I have 1.1.4 and only a handful of themes work.
oh my God, I'm going nuts here. First I updated to 1.1.4 because my iPhone got tricked into thinking it was a Touch somehow. Then I went down to 1.1.3 trying to get back to 1.1.2. Well, after I was in 1.1.3 I couldn't downgrade. NOTHING would work. So, now I'm back up to 1.1.4 and I'm curious as to how to get Customize and Summerbored on this thing.

Customize is only for 1.1.3 it says. I heard there was a custom Customize and a 1.1.4 patch for Summerbored or something but neither of them are in any of those repos anymore.

Can anybody help:confused:

anyone know if we can expect a new version of Customize that will be able to work on either 1.1.3 or 1.1.4 in the near future?

Customize was so cool on 1.1.2, I am really bummed to not be able to use it now on 1.1.3.

I haven't seen anything claiming they are going to fix customize to work with the newer firmware, anyone hear any different?

Thanks in advance,

Customize for 1.1.4 -- "Next Week"

anyone know if we can expect a new version of Customize that will be able to work on either 1.1.3 or 1.1.4 in the near future?

Customize was so cool on 1.1.2, I am really bummed to not be able to use it now on 1.1.3.

I haven't seen anything claiming they are going to fix customize to work with the newer firmware, anyone hear any different?

Thanks in advance,


According to the Customize page, a new version should be out next week.

6 Mar 2008


The SDK is out and it's ON. I'm going to go at this full throttle as soon as I get back from a little road trip. The new customize will be out next week, probably. I'm going to have it do everything I can think of making it do, so if you have some requests for features, email me with "Customize Feature Request" in the subject (

Also, Customize is going to remain freely distributed software through Installer, however, if I choose to distribute through iTunes there may be a $1 charge.

Let's have some fun! -SC
Which is best?

Of the two, SummerBoard and Customize, which is best in terms of ease of use and total customization of the iPhone? It looks like Customize themes allow system sounds to be changed. Is that true? Does SummerBoard also do this?

i noticed this too. im running 1.1.4 and customize does work for me. :mad: Anyone know where i can get the battery picture packs?
oh my God, I'm going nuts here. First I updated to 1.1.4 because my iPhone got tricked into thinking it was a Touch somehow. Then I went down to 1.1.3 trying to get back to 1.1.2. Well, after I was in 1.1.3 I couldn't downgrade. NOTHING would work. So, now I'm back up to 1.1.4 and I'm curious as to how to get Customize and Summerbored on this thing.

Customize is only for 1.1.3 it says. I heard there was a custom Customize and a 1.1.4 patch for Summerbored or something but neither of them are in any of those repos anymore.

Can anybody help:confused:


Look here:
Customize and Summerboard both work. Both need patches though to get them going.

Summerboard needs SMB Themes Fix and Customize needs 1.1.4 Compatibility Patch.
Sheesh, do your research before you overreact like that.

Summerboard works with a patch on 114, and if a Theme doesn't show up you need to move it to the new location. Hell, the simple fact that people are posting screenshots of 114 phones with themes should be the biggest clue.

Customize works as well, but not the 5 icon dock. That's just the way it is with the wiggly icon reordering system Apple has. A new version will be out soon enough.
I'm not having a whole lot of luck either.

I have a day 1 iphone that I never jailbroke before. It has been updated the legit way all the way to 1.14.

I used Liberty+ for windows yesterday. Now it says it is 1.1.4 (4a102)

I've tried following all the steps everyone has listed (use the 1.1.4 compatibility patch, then run the 1.1.3/4 theme fix (I get an error when running this one usually - something about main execution failed). I've tried running just the more generic SMB themes Fix (i think this is 1.0) then installing Summerboard. Then I uninstall the patch. Should I ever go back to the slide to unlock screen during all of this? or do I just do one right after another?

If anyone has some super generic smb for dummies tips I would be oh so happy.
this is weird...I restored and JB via Ziphone last night to while trying to install customize it now says I'm on 1.1.3...strange cause itunes says I'm on the latest firmware....anyways SB worked via installer and I've tried to get into customize and it hangs
the 1.1.4 patch does work for customize..I just can't get the badge graphics or sliders to work
themes and customized are going to /var/root/Library/Summerboard/Themes, but 1.1.4 uses /var/mobile/Library/Summerboard/Themes. I had to manually move them.
I am so frustrated with this, I have done everything you name it and Customize 1.1.3 never shows up for me either. and SMB themes don't change for me. O and my Favorites list I can never change it. Nice Installer I got huh? The only thing it's done is give me a splitting headache :(
i managed to somehow run into Customize 2.0 beta on installer..i downloaded it right away..and let me tell you, it is AWESOME..combines smb and customize seemlessly..and im running 1.1.4 btw
Here is all you will need to get Customize to work on a 1.1.4.

Source -

Under "Tweaks": 1.1.4 Compatibility Patch
Under "All Packages": Modded Customize

Check this video if you still have problems:

This works 100%. I have done it now on 3 different iPhones.

Found 1.1.4 Compatibility Patch under "All Packages" but cannot find "Modded Customize". Any ideas?
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