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Yokara Karaoke

macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 19, 2014
Super Memory is a useful game which helps to improve your memory. This game is appropriate for everyone in various ages. How to play it? It's super easy! What you need to do is to memorize the positions of hidden numbers so that you can uncover them in ascending order of numbers.
The number of secret cells will be increasing at each level. Furthermore, at higher levels you are supposed to uncover the cells even faster because not only will the number of cells be increasing but also the remember time and the completion time will be lesser.
In order to help you gain more opportunity to win the game, there will be several optional awards at each stage. Therefore, you need to choose them carefully so that you can use them effectively at higher levels.
Super Memory is also appropriate for children to enhance their memories. This is especially useful in learning any subjects that require them to memorize a huge amount of information. Moreover, it also helps olders to resist Alzheimer's disease and improves their memories effectively.
Now, let's join in the game and ROCK it!
Super Monkey Memory Test

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