I just saw this on Shirt Pocket's site:
The actual download link for the V3.3 beta is just before the heading "Quickly Getting to the Point", about 1/5th of the way down that first page. That paragraph entitled "Quickly Getting to the Point" contains some excellent reasons why it is best to wait until the final version is released. Besides, moving/upgrading to Catalina at this point does not seem to be a wise idea, given all the bugs, issues, etc. Plus I myself will not move to Catalina until there are stable, compatible versions of SuperDuper!, Onyx, and TechTool Pro.
The actual download link for the V3.3 beta is just before the heading "Quickly Getting to the Point", about 1/5th of the way down that first page. That paragraph entitled "Quickly Getting to the Point" contains some excellent reasons why it is best to wait until the final version is released. Besides, moving/upgrading to Catalina at this point does not seem to be a wise idea, given all the bugs, issues, etc. Plus I myself will not move to Catalina until there are stable, compatible versions of SuperDuper!, Onyx, and TechTool Pro.