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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 21, 2024
Hello , today my iPhone X suddenly started overheating just below the rear camera and i was seeing the temperature warning.This would happen as long as the phone was turned on. I tried turning it off for some time to cool-down but when i was turning it on again same thing happened. What I noticed is that the battery was falling rapidly when it was on. So I decided to take it to a third party repair shop (lower prices , old phone that I would change soon). My guess was that it was the battery failing since the phone is 5-6 years old with no battery change.

When I got to the repair shop , I gave them my iPhone with my SIM card in it and they asked about my password which I refused to provide (for my privacy). Anyways I returned to take my repaired phone and I was informed that my phone has serious problems and that the touchscreen is unresponsive.

Before I had gone to the shop , it was working and i noticed that the Face ID didnt work now , since I don’t see the lock icon unlocking when I look at the phone. Also there is no Wi-Fi or cellular icons now at the Lock Screen. I am stuck looking at my iPhone while it’s locked and nothing works (heating problem is still there).

What do you think has happened here? Did they tell the truth or is there malicious intent behind all this?

Did they change any part that was working and replaced it with a faulty one?

My biggest concern is about my passwords and data , can they access it somehow? Or “hacking” my SIM card somehow?

Thanks in advance!


macrumors 68000
Dec 21, 2016
Seems like a botched job by the repair shop. They appear to be trying to dodge all liability for the damage to the Face ID system. There’s no way for them to extract information from your phone without being aware of your password so you have nothing to worry about from a security standpoint.
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macrumors regular
Sep 11, 2022
The only data they could get from your SIM is your contacts if they are stored on it.
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macrumors 604
Aug 19, 2017
Sounds like the repair shop damaged the device or possibly didn't reassemble the phone correctly (improper seating of display, FaceID and other connectors). No way to know unless it's reopened and checked. I would ask for the repair cost back and try a different shop
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 21, 2024
Thank you all for the replies , that’s a relief. They didn’t ask for any money , they just told me that they can’t fix it and that it has a serious problem. I thought that they did something to the device , since the touchscreen was responsive and the Face ID was flawless before I took it there.Anyways device was going to be changed sooner or later.


macrumors 65816
Sep 1, 2021
These low cost non-official/non-authorized repair are really a pain... They may "fix" the issue but it will resurface then you'll have to bring it again to have it re-repaired...
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macrumors G5
Mar 27, 2017
There was probably a serious problem with the logic board shorting to begin with. Overheating warnings don't appear with a bad battery. But I agree they probably made it worse with diagnostic or their repair attempts.
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