The only work around I think is AssistiveTouch. Set it is a long-touch, or whatever, to go home. Also handy to have Screenshot in the top menu.
I have reported the long standing bug of the AssistiveTouch icon sometimes appearing in screenshots.
yeah, that's my biggest disappointment with the new pencil. I have to keep remembering that I can't swipe up with it to go Home.
I am hoping enough people complain about this and Apple might be able to add this in software???
I assume it is that way so if you’re drawing, the home bar doesn’t affect your work. Otherwise it would cut off the bottom area of the iPad for the drawing app. Would be nice if they defaulted to one way and allow app devs to change the function (i.e. in a drawing app, it wouldn’t let you go home with the pencil but in Safari you could).
I assume it is that way so if you’re drawing, the home bar doesn’t affect your work. Otherwise it would cut off the bottom area of the iPad for the drawing app. Would be nice if they defaulted to one way and allow app devs to change the function (i.e. in a drawing app, it wouldn’t let you go home with the pencil but in Safari you could).
This is the reason why. Still kinda annoying. Before I would just hit the home button with the pencil itself and keep going, or I'd be holding it so the button was near my other hand holding the iPad and I could quickly press it that way. Oh well I guess. Better to have a smaller 12.9" device.