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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 15, 2004

I received my iBook today. Thus far, all I have done is install RAM, install MS Office and attempt to update software using the updater.

The updater worked fine until I got to the OS X update. After downloading, the screen dimmed and told me to restart the computer manually. I did this. Since this I have had to restart many times in the same fashion. Twice I've experienced a kernel panic (white text of death all over the screen), and Safari doesn't like to prefers to shut down.

i would second that. the RAM seems to be your problem. i've had tons of instances where my computer (PC and mac) would freeze after installing ram. you might have gotten a faulty stick.
Actually the darkened screen telling you to restart is a "nice" kernel Panic, whereas the spilling of Unix code is a "Vomit" Kernel Panic.

I'd like to say that it has been my experience that bad RAM will in many cases not even allow the computer to start up. I'd suggest repairing permissions. This is done in Disk Utility, under Utilities, under Applications. If you still have problems with Safari and KPs then remove the memory, and that should solve the problem. If you still have the problem, remove the factory stick and put in your new chip. If you still have problems, call Apple and they will walk you through thing to do.

steve you should test the computer before performing any type of installation to make sure the computer isnt a lemon. i bet the problem is the ram, what brand did you buy? i tried ram from compusa and thats the only time i had a kernal panic. before removing it however test it with the hardware test disc.
Prior to installing the RAM I played around for about an hour and had absolutely no problems. I installed the RAM, turned on the comp just to see that everything was cool and that it was recognizing the new chip. Everything looked hunky dorey...I put the computer to sleep.

About an hour later I opened it back up and then the kernel problems started. I ran the hardware test and everything was fine, according to the test, but the KP kept happening. Finally, I took out the RAM, put back in the factory RAM, and it's running like a dream now (though with 256 instead of 640, unfortunately).

I purchased the RAM from Crucial. I hope they have nice customer service policies.

Thanks for the help everyone!
Wow, are newer macs really THAT picky about RAM? Crucial sells some of the best ram available. If theirs in incompatable, i wouldn't know where to turn!
Originally posted by DOACleric
Wow, are newer macs really THAT picky about RAM? Crucial sells some of the best ram available. If theirs in incompatable, i wouldn't know where to turn!

It's probably a BUM stick of RAM. It happens. They should be good about returning it.

It's probably the ram...

I can personally attest after last weekend it's probably bad ram. I added 512MB of memory to my G5. Worked fine for a while, then after a few weeks I started getting panic's doing anything major and other random lockups not doing anything much at all. I thought it could have been this and that, never thinking ram could go bad after a few weeks... Well anyway I ran the hardware test eventually and it reported bad memory. (Doh!) Pulled them out and sent them back for a replacement. So as everyone has said, pull the ram and see how things for for a few days. I'd try the hardware test too, but that may not catch it in all cases. I guess with the increased speed and demand on memory now it doesn't take much for it to start screwing up.
I just ahave to mention this because everytime i hear people talk about adding ram I never hear about anyone taking and using static precautions. this is a very important point. dont finger the ram and use Static Precautions Please.
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