I'm a student going into grade 11 soon, and i'm hoping to be taking alot of tech courses second semester.
I want to get a laptop, and i've had my eye on those macbook pros for a while. My main question is how much does the price usually drop when new models are released? Is there anyway i'd be able to get a used macbook pro for ~1200$ used in say, 6 months? The main reason I want a macbook pro is because it's important for me to be able to run some windows programs for the courses i'm taking.
and one other question, how would a powerbook G4 compare to an similarly equiped Athlon XP machine?
I want to get a laptop, and i've had my eye on those macbook pros for a while. My main question is how much does the price usually drop when new models are released? Is there anyway i'd be able to get a used macbook pro for ~1200$ used in say, 6 months? The main reason I want a macbook pro is because it's important for me to be able to run some windows programs for the courses i'm taking.
and one other question, how would a powerbook G4 compare to an similarly equiped Athlon XP machine?