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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 11, 2006
I'm a student going into grade 11 soon, and i'm hoping to be taking alot of tech courses second semester.

I want to get a laptop, and i've had my eye on those macbook pros for a while. My main question is how much does the price usually drop when new models are released? Is there anyway i'd be able to get a used macbook pro for ~1200$ used in say, 6 months? The main reason I want a macbook pro is because it's important for me to be able to run some windows programs for the courses i'm taking.

and one other question, how would a powerbook G4 compare to an similarly equiped Athlon XP machine?

As a MacBook Pro owner, I'll tell you that if you get one, you certainly won't be disappointed. But, seeing as both new Intel notebooks run Windows well, why are you looking at the MacBook Pro specifically and not the MacBook. Do you need the dedicated graphics card or larger screen that the MacBook Pro offers?
well, this being my only computer I thought that 15" would be the sweet spot between screen size and portability.

Picture and video editing just start to become tedious on a 13" screen. I was thinking of waiting until the new 64 bit macbook pros are out so I can pick up a current gen one cheper.
I use my macbook in school, and you certainly wouldn't be disappointed with it. I am a switcher, and got round the problem of screen size by buying an external 23" sony monitor (the apple ones are so expensive) and a wireless keyboard and mouse. I keep these at home and use my macbook (closed) as my only computer. As far as I am concerned, lugging around a 15" laptop, however great it may be, is just too much hassle.
well, looks like a macbook for me.

For those of you who own one, can you actually use it on your lap? or is it to hot?
im a sophmore and i decided to get the macbook pro, but hey, the macbook is an awesome choice too
I can use my macbook on my lap while browsing the web, but not when using photoshop or playing games.
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