Hi. I'm new to the Mac OS and seeing as I got very quick answers here before, I thought I would ask about a few things bugging me.
I've changed a lot of the systems resources to the way I like them (like changing the word airport to wireless in the Localizable.strings and dock pinning in the property lists.) What format are they in however, because so far I've only been able to open them with Property List Editor not with any other application.
How do I change/move the apple logo from the top panel? Is there a PNG or PDF somewhere? (I'd like to replace it with a different image.)
How do I remove the dock translucency so that it's completely transparent. I ask because it stands out too much on very dark backgrounds. I've seen 'ClearDock' but it seems like a hack and workaround, and I don't want to use Transparent Dock as it seems a little too much.
When running Apple's X11 in rootless mode, the windows bury themselves under aqua windows and have to be double clicked to bring them to the front. Is there an option to stop this and make them behave the same as other windows?
I work in a lower privileged account. I have another account with admin privileges. Is there any way to install applications with superuser privileges when dragging applications to the applications folder? Because after authenticating as an admin it uses the standard users privileges and when admin it uses the admin privileges.
I prefer to do things manually instead of downloading a shareware application or using hacks/workarounds. Perhaps there is a site you can point me to that tells me how to edit all the inner working of the OS or an package on fink that helps me?
Thanks in advance, Ross.
I've changed a lot of the systems resources to the way I like them (like changing the word airport to wireless in the Localizable.strings and dock pinning in the property lists.) What format are they in however, because so far I've only been able to open them with Property List Editor not with any other application.
How do I change/move the apple logo from the top panel? Is there a PNG or PDF somewhere? (I'd like to replace it with a different image.)
How do I remove the dock translucency so that it's completely transparent. I ask because it stands out too much on very dark backgrounds. I've seen 'ClearDock' but it seems like a hack and workaround, and I don't want to use Transparent Dock as it seems a little too much.
When running Apple's X11 in rootless mode, the windows bury themselves under aqua windows and have to be double clicked to bring them to the front. Is there an option to stop this and make them behave the same as other windows?
I work in a lower privileged account. I have another account with admin privileges. Is there any way to install applications with superuser privileges when dragging applications to the applications folder? Because after authenticating as an admin it uses the standard users privileges and when admin it uses the admin privileges.
I prefer to do things manually instead of downloading a shareware application or using hacks/workarounds. Perhaps there is a site you can point me to that tells me how to edit all the inner working of the OS or an package on fink that helps me?
Thanks in advance, Ross.