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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 2, 2003
Meadville, PA
Does anyone here have the problem of switching from a BIG monitor to a SMALL monitor with half the pixels? I am going to be going from desk to laptop a bunch, and it is going to be impossible to resize all the windows everytime I need to change. Is there any program that will let you save different settings for different locations?
i dont' really know what you're asking... the thread title says you're going from a 12" to a 19" monitor (smaller to larger screen) but you're asking about going from a large to small screen?

you're desktop and laptop have their own resolutions... or do you want the windows to have the same proportional size on both desktop and laptop?
Duff-Man says....I am not sure exactly what you are asking either. If you will be working on a laptop and a desktop and just moving your documents between the two computers, it should not be an issue - each computer should open the application it its own size and remember that next time you come back to that computer....oh yeah!
I should have specified more that my iBook is going to be the only computer used, it will either be using its own 12" monitor or I will have it plugged into my 19" monitor. My problem is that right now all my windows are the correct size for my 12" monitor, BUT when I plug my iBook into my 19" monitor all the windows are really small, so then I resize them to take up the space of the 19" monitor,. Then I switch back to the 12" monitor on a trip, and all the windows are so big that they fill up and go off the screen!
Vlade said:
I should have specified more that my iBook is going to be the only computer used, it will either be using its own 12" monitor or I will have it plugged into my 19" monitor. My problem is that right now all my windows are the correct size for my 12" monitor, BUT when I plug my iBook into my 19" monitor all the windows are really small, so then I resize them to take up the space of the 19" monitor,. Then I switch back to the 12" monitor on a trip, and all the windows are so big that they fill up and go off the screen!
I'm still not sure what you want....not sure about your setup, but the iBook shouldn't change resolutions when you plug in your monitor. IE relative to the screen size, everything should stay the same size, if you have a window taking up half the 19" screen, then it should be taking up half the 12" as well
I think I know what he is asking.

Vlade has a 12" iBook and has a 19" monitor that he hooks up to it at home. At home the 19" monitor has a higher resolution so when he opens programs he has to stretch them out to see them because they are so small. When he unplugs the monitor and uses the iBooks screen the programs remeber the size of there windows from when they were open on the 19" monitor and so for they take up the entire screen.

What Vlade wants is a program that will automatically resize the windows when he hooks the iBook up to the monitor so they become bigger, but when he disconnects the monitor he wants the program to automatically resize the windows for the iBooks screen.

Does this help any?
I know what you mean ...

I may guess you have the screen hack for the iBook, I would like to have it, it was the same to me with my old 12" PB rev. a, spanning monitor was a pain and working on a bigger was not the best, I used to close everything and go back to 12"... good if someone can give a good solution... sorry if I didn't help but just wanted to clarify what your / our problem is /was ... ;)
TDM21 said:
I think I know what he is asking.

Vlade has a 12" iBook and has a 19" monitor that he hooks up to it at home. At home the 19" monitor has a higher resolution so when he opens programs he has to stretch them out to see them because they are so small.
Monitors don't have resolutions themselves(they have max resolutions, but that is different) the resolution depends on what you set the video card to, the monitor will adapt to that resolution by making the individual pixels on the screen bigger or smaller. For example, I can plug my iBook in to my 20" lcd which has a max resolution of 1600x1200, but I cannot make the monitor have a resolution any greater than 1024x768 because my iBook's video card cannot drive higher resolutions. Now everything looks "bigger" on the screen because the screen is bigger, but as a percentage of the total screen size, everything stays the same.
TDM21 said:
I think I know what he is asking.

Vlade has a 12" iBook and has a 19" monitor that he hooks up to it at home. At home the 19" monitor has a higher resolution so when he opens programs he has to stretch them out to see them because they are so small. When he unplugs the monitor and uses the iBooks screen the programs remeber the size of there windows from when they were open on the 19" monitor and so for they take up the entire screen.

What Vlade wants is a program that will automatically resize the windows when he hooks the iBook up to the monitor so they become bigger, but when he disconnects the monitor he wants the program to automatically resize the windows for the iBooks screen.

Does this help any?


I guess that the ibook can only support 1024x768 out, which is silly because it has a card that could easly power 1600x1200, so I am stuck at low resolution :(
Vlade said:

I guess that the ibook can only support 1024x768 out, which is silly because it has a card that could easly power 1600x1200, so I am stuck at low resolution :(

Actually, it does support bigger resolutions, there is a hack, out-there, I thought you already had it...
Well the first time trying to help someone on this forum was almost perfect. I'll just have to keep working harder.
Whigga Spitta said:
What about switching from a widescreen monitor (Powerbook) to a standard 4:3 monitor (external)? Has anyone had any issues dealing with this?

Yep. I hook my TiBook up to my CRT monitor sometimes and it is a great annoyance not to have the extra horizontal space to work with. Vertical scrolling is much less annoying than horizontal scrolling.
FelixDerKater said:
Yep. I hook my TiBook up to my CRT monitor sometimes and it is a great annoyance not to have the extra horizontal space to work with. Vertical scrolling is much less annoying than horizontal scrolling.

lol, I think he meant technical issues, but still ;P

No I haven't noticed problems. Though sometimes going from TV to PB then waking up the PB after unhooking the TV (and require the password to wake from sleep) there are some graphical glitches. But not a big concern.
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