Hello all,
Thnx in advance for reading and any advice you give, a word about these fora first, please scroll down to my three questions if you can't be bothered to read all the preramble...:
WTF???? You guys are so nice! How refreshing to find oneself in the murky depths of the internet amongst such pleasant posters.
Let me give you an example: My work (Middle East 'complimentary' diplomacy) requires me to visit political blogs where the 'misguidedness', vitriol, polemic and pure hatred are enough to make you want to bury your head in the sand... but ok, that's politics, and the volume has been raised as of late... let's not get into it.
But then, Civil Aviation, I love it. But the posts in the forums? Nitpicking flamers with too much time on their hands. I know my stuff, so I don't actually post, but I just don't get it - these guys are having like an online masturbation contest about who can trump whom regarding knowledge of such pathetic, lifeless facts as the total length of wiring in an Dassault Falcon (a business jet...).
So, I reach Macrumors. And following the discussions, am taken aback as to how you guys talk to one another. Respect. Let me illustrate again. One of the members here became somewhat obnoxious in the discussion thread on the 'Macbook released'. Thinking 'there's always one...' I read the argument he got into with amusement. Then someone comes along and posts a barrage of accusations against Mr obnoxious. What does Mr obnoxious do? Throws his hands up and apologises!!! Where in the world??? Nice.
So I thought it must be to do with the kind of people who are attracted to Apple to the extent that they would post in an Apple related forum. Not true.
On the Apple site, they are vicious. And here I have often read references to 'becoming like AppleInsider', so I guess they're not that nice either. Keep up the niceness!!!
Now for some silly questions:
Please forgive, I am a novice. Blah blah blah first Mac blah blah blah switcher...
Yes it's true. After my friends in record / film industry have been bugging me for ages about 'going Mac' - 'it works perfectly in your office', I finally realised
that I was doing all this multitasking, 16 windows open at a time kind of stuff and not only was my operating system getting in the way rather than helping, its latest version looks like a copy of OS X (at least to the novice) I can't believe it, obviously Vista is going to be rubbish if it only catches up with what OS X is now... if they ever release it...
So here are my questions, I hope I don't get in trouble for writing such a long preamble...:
I have ordered a 15" MBP with Core Duo 2.16, 7200 rpm drive, 2 gig RAM - I will as always be lucky and receive one that does not whine, cry, moo or bark (...he apprehensively says). I also got office, mighty mouse and a wireless keyboard. Here are my Q's:
Having moved 'My Documents' as well as the iTunes packages and My Pictures onto a Fat32 formatted external drive, I wonder what will happen to my photos. Currently they are not well organised, but they are in 'sub-folders'. Do I need to take them out and have one folder with all the pictures in it in order to import them into iPhoto? Or will iPhoto import these folders and keep the photos organised this way?
Majorly important: Having baaaad RSI from playing up to 12 hours of guitar daily in the past, I have gotten very comfortable with the Microsoft Desktop Pro, which has a 'Natural' multimedia keyboard. Now I know there are lots of Mac users who (secretly) use Microsoft hardware, but what are the disadvantages? I understand the drivers (IntelliType) are already universal, so if I install them, will I be able to make the multimedia keys do what I want? I am particularly concerned about the delete / home / end layout, which appears to be different on the Apple keyboard. Also, tell me about using a 'windows' mouse, and importantly, will the 'forward' and 'back' buttons on the mouse work in Firefox on the Mac?
I use a second monitor (silver Sony one - can't remember model, but its one of the ones that rests on its frame, but not glossy). Best buy for productivity / internet experience ever!! Does it matter, when using it as a second monitor for MBP that it is square rather than widescreen. And could you perhaps post very brief instructions as to how to set it up, or is it Apple obvious?
Is a Tuscon (??) slipcase a good buy? Do I really need to cover the keyboard when I close the MBP?
Ey guys, my sincere apologies for asking such basic questions. Now can somebody explain the offside rule please?
I promise further posts will be short and sharp, in fact, I shall never bore you like this again. All replies greatly appreciated!!
Edit: Shock, horror... I just worked out that Firefox is a windows thing and is apparently, according to some other forums on here, not great on the Mac... So here's two more questions I would appreciate your educated input on:
Which browser (I take it Safari is fine...oh, I only just started going out with Firefox...and I think I was falling for her)
What programme for RSS? (Used Wizz in Firefox - limited yet perfectly formed)
Thnx in advance for reading and any advice you give, a word about these fora first, please scroll down to my three questions if you can't be bothered to read all the preramble...:
WTF???? You guys are so nice! How refreshing to find oneself in the murky depths of the internet amongst such pleasant posters.
Let me give you an example: My work (Middle East 'complimentary' diplomacy) requires me to visit political blogs where the 'misguidedness', vitriol, polemic and pure hatred are enough to make you want to bury your head in the sand... but ok, that's politics, and the volume has been raised as of late... let's not get into it.
But then, Civil Aviation, I love it. But the posts in the forums? Nitpicking flamers with too much time on their hands. I know my stuff, so I don't actually post, but I just don't get it - these guys are having like an online masturbation contest about who can trump whom regarding knowledge of such pathetic, lifeless facts as the total length of wiring in an Dassault Falcon (a business jet...).
So, I reach Macrumors. And following the discussions, am taken aback as to how you guys talk to one another. Respect. Let me illustrate again. One of the members here became somewhat obnoxious in the discussion thread on the 'Macbook released'. Thinking 'there's always one...' I read the argument he got into with amusement. Then someone comes along and posts a barrage of accusations against Mr obnoxious. What does Mr obnoxious do? Throws his hands up and apologises!!! Where in the world??? Nice.
So I thought it must be to do with the kind of people who are attracted to Apple to the extent that they would post in an Apple related forum. Not true.
On the Apple site, they are vicious. And here I have often read references to 'becoming like AppleInsider', so I guess they're not that nice either. Keep up the niceness!!!
Now for some silly questions:
Please forgive, I am a novice. Blah blah blah first Mac blah blah blah switcher...
Yes it's true. After my friends in record / film industry have been bugging me for ages about 'going Mac' - 'it works perfectly in your office', I finally realised
that I was doing all this multitasking, 16 windows open at a time kind of stuff and not only was my operating system getting in the way rather than helping, its latest version looks like a copy of OS X (at least to the novice) I can't believe it, obviously Vista is going to be rubbish if it only catches up with what OS X is now... if they ever release it...
So here are my questions, I hope I don't get in trouble for writing such a long preamble...:
I have ordered a 15" MBP with Core Duo 2.16, 7200 rpm drive, 2 gig RAM - I will as always be lucky and receive one that does not whine, cry, moo or bark (...he apprehensively says). I also got office, mighty mouse and a wireless keyboard. Here are my Q's:
Having moved 'My Documents' as well as the iTunes packages and My Pictures onto a Fat32 formatted external drive, I wonder what will happen to my photos. Currently they are not well organised, but they are in 'sub-folders'. Do I need to take them out and have one folder with all the pictures in it in order to import them into iPhoto? Or will iPhoto import these folders and keep the photos organised this way?
Majorly important: Having baaaad RSI from playing up to 12 hours of guitar daily in the past, I have gotten very comfortable with the Microsoft Desktop Pro, which has a 'Natural' multimedia keyboard. Now I know there are lots of Mac users who (secretly) use Microsoft hardware, but what are the disadvantages? I understand the drivers (IntelliType) are already universal, so if I install them, will I be able to make the multimedia keys do what I want? I am particularly concerned about the delete / home / end layout, which appears to be different on the Apple keyboard. Also, tell me about using a 'windows' mouse, and importantly, will the 'forward' and 'back' buttons on the mouse work in Firefox on the Mac?
I use a second monitor (silver Sony one - can't remember model, but its one of the ones that rests on its frame, but not glossy). Best buy for productivity / internet experience ever!! Does it matter, when using it as a second monitor for MBP that it is square rather than widescreen. And could you perhaps post very brief instructions as to how to set it up, or is it Apple obvious?
Is a Tuscon (??) slipcase a good buy? Do I really need to cover the keyboard when I close the MBP?
Ey guys, my sincere apologies for asking such basic questions. Now can somebody explain the offside rule please?
I promise further posts will be short and sharp, in fact, I shall never bore you like this again. All replies greatly appreciated!!
Edit: Shock, horror... I just worked out that Firefox is a windows thing and is apparently, according to some other forums on here, not great on the Mac... So here's two more questions I would appreciate your educated input on:
Which browser (I take it Safari is fine...oh, I only just started going out with Firefox...and I think I was falling for her)
What programme for RSS? (Used Wizz in Firefox - limited yet perfectly formed)