I never understand the documentation, but thank you for your advice. I'd just like to know a simple command that sets which tab is selected.
Ok, jeez. I'm sorry I bothered you with a question I could have figured out myself. I'm just a beginner, and the apple documents are kind of complicated and difficult to understand to me. Sorry I bothered you!
How much of a beginner are you? Are you comfortable with Objective-C and Xcode already? Have you had any previous programming experience? And have you read through the iPhone Application Programming Guide and the iPhone Human Interface Guidelines yet? Those documents are less technical but should provide you most of the basic concepts that you will want to understand.I'm just a beginner...
How much of a beginner are you? Are you comfortable with Objective-C and Xcode already? Have you had any previous programming experience? And have you read through the iPhone Application Programming Guide and the iPhone Human Interface Guidelines yet? Those documents are less technical but should provide you most of the basic concepts that you will want to understand.
I'm perfectly willing and happy to help people as long as they make some kind of effort to help themselves. By your own admission you haven't even *bothered* to look at the documentation.
Well, thanks for sharing the answer then.By the way, I did some more googling and ended up finding what I was looking for.
I couldn't find what I was looking for in the documentation, so I asked if anybody could simply tell me how to do what I was trying to do. I obviously didn't look hard enough in the documentation...
Have you tried reading the documentation for UITabBarController?
No, I haven't.