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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 6, 2003
I'm thinking of buying a Symbian smartphone, specifically the Nokia E61 or perhaps the upcoming Sony Ericsson P990. How do these phones fare for Mac users? Is there OS X software included? Are there third party sync apps out there? Any user experiences? If it's a bad idea, what alternatives are worth considering? I really want something with Wifi, so Blackberry and Treo are out :(
If there is no Mac software included, how do you go about syncing iCal? Does it need to be a model specifically supported by iSync?
hkriffraff said:
If there is no Mac software included, how do you go about syncing iCal? Does it need to be a model specifically supported by iSync?

Basically, using iSync, and yes, you're best off if it's on the supported phone list (you're on your own rolling the dice otherwise... do a search for threads here or elsewhere on that particular phone and iSync).
Drats! I had my eyes out on the Nokia E61, which is just out here in Hong Kong and likely won't be supported by iSync for months, if ever. Are there 3rd party apps I can use if I can't get iSync to work?
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