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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 18, 2008
My Address Book is jambed full of duplicate or quadruplicates that I believe are there as a result of syncing. Any way to weed out existing garbage and/or prevent this in future. It takes hours to manually do this!
Help!!! Multiplying "No Name" / empty contacts in Address book

I am having the same problem- I believe- and called Apple for help but only got limited advice.

One-tip...Begin by turning off synching in all programs including Itunes and Mobile Me, Address Book and Outllook, You can search for duplicates and merge them ....Reset synch data when you're done.

But I cant do this because my contact database is filled with over 300,000 "no name" or empty contacts which slows the process to a standstill. Also- I can't search for "no name" contacts by name and delete them all because there are no search terms for "No Name" /empty contacts that I know of. I am really upset because it's log jamming every synched program with contacts.

Deleting contacts one by one is too slow in Address Book.
What to do? Somebody please help!!!!!!:

Help!!! Multiplying "No Name" / empty contacts in Address book

For me- the multiplying issue is in all places in different quantities: Iphone, Mobile Me, Outlook for Mac and Address Book. There are about 100,000 in Mobile Me but 300,000 + in Address Book. I don't know how many in the Iphone. Funny thing is the the normal named contacts are not at all multiplying in the same way- they are more normal looking with a few multiples here and there (I have 3,000+- normal contact). Its the "no Names" /empty contacts that have gone crazy- they make up most of the 300,000. I can delete them one by one in safe mode with all sync services turned off (including Mobile Me) but it's taking forever.

By the way- when I tried to force a "merge Duplicates" last night - I was told before it finished that my nearly new MacBook Pro (OSX 10.6.8) was about to exceed all program memory allotted. I had to force escape the process and after an hour or more I was at square one.
Help!!! Multiplying "No Name" / empty contacts in Address book

By the way- my mobileme contacts are now temporarily unavailable and my Outlook Contacts at 79,000 plus- don't know why I have any empty contacts at all- the multiplying of the "no Names" makes no sense. Could this be Malware?
I have spent countless hours with similar, if not the same exact issue. Apple hasn't been any help at all. I am left with the distinct feeling that they are bewildered.
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