I have my iphone for over a month now and was able down load musice from my itunes library with no problems, however a week ago i went to update my iphone with music I had purchased from itunes and had a problem when syncing it seemed to freeze telling me it was syncing to ical, this lasted for over 20 minutes and I eventually ended the sync by having to force quit itunes. This also effected my email, safari and ichat on my Mac having to force quit them as well. I eventually got these back again via a window appearing asking did I want to save changes which I said no to. I have not synced my iphone with my Mac since in case i have the same problem again.
Any ideas what my have caused the problem and is it safe to try syncing again, Also I now cannot get wifi on the iphone (yes it's turned on) and all my email now comes through Edge.
Any ideas what my have caused the problem and is it safe to try syncing again, Also I now cannot get wifi on the iphone (yes it's turned on) and all my email now comes through Edge.