Is there a way to sync rented or purchased movies from my Apple TV back to my iMac? Where I could then transfer to my iPhone? Just got the Apple TV tonight and still a newb. Thanks for the Help.
Is there a way to sync rented or purchased movies from my Apple TV back to my iMac? Where I could then transfer to my iPhone? Just got the Apple TV tonight and still a newb. Thanks for the Help.
Your rental movie can only be in one location, either ATV or iTunes on your iMac. To move it, you go to iTunes, select your ATV, tab "Movies". You have the possibility to move your movies back and forth on that tab.
Does that strike you as odd. If you can rent from iTunes then send to ATV or to iPod or iPhone, wouldn't it make sense that you could do it the other way around too? You know complete the circle. Anyway thanks for the help. By the way, how long does it take you guys to start watching a HD movie rental after you push the rent button. (Download to able to watch time)?
It doesn't really strike me as odd. I made the assumption that Apple did it this way so Hi Def movies wouldn't be synced back to the local Mac. And now that I think about it, if a rental is moved (not synced, moved) from the Mac to TV it is a one-way trip. You can't move it back. At least that is what I remember reading somewhere.
When I rent a Hi Def movie TV will tell me it is ready to watch anywhere between 30 minutes to and hour after I start downloading. But I never rent movies to watch them immediately so this doesn't bother me. I always rent with the plan to watch later.