Hey guys
I have a question....Right now I have my iPad synced to my Macbook at my parents house. At my place which I haven't officially moved to yet, I have a windows PC that I feel I will be using most of the time while im there. So I'd want it synced to that, since theres alot more content on the windows pc than on my macbook.
When I sync to windows Im sure it will ask me to re-format since the initial sync was done on a Macbook. Will I lose all my apps when this happens? It's the same iTunes account on both computers, but all my apps are backed up on my macbook. Will I lose all of them if I choose to re-format and sync to a windows pc? Thanks
I have a question....Right now I have my iPad synced to my Macbook at my parents house. At my place which I haven't officially moved to yet, I have a windows PC that I feel I will be using most of the time while im there. So I'd want it synced to that, since theres alot more content on the windows pc than on my macbook.
When I sync to windows Im sure it will ask me to re-format since the initial sync was done on a Macbook. Will I lose all my apps when this happens? It's the same iTunes account on both computers, but all my apps are backed up on my macbook. Will I lose all of them if I choose to re-format and sync to a windows pc? Thanks