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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 10, 2006
Hey, i previously had my phone unlocked/jailbroken on t-mobile. Upgraded to 2.0 last night. Now when I sync it takes about 5-10 minutes to go through "Backing up [myname's] iPhone". It doesn't hang... it jsut goes very slowly. Before I could sync in 10-15 seconds, and it never took long to backup the iPhone.. Is this something to do with the applications -- or is this an error with the phone?

Thanks for any/all help!
This is a common issue with 2.0 and 3G iPhones.

It has nothing to do with Pwnage.

iTunes will back up all the apps everytime it syncs.

I would back it up once then cancel the backup every time you sync after that!
no i mean to stop it from ever backing up.
im using a prepiad plan so i have 0 text messages, my phone's contacts are all in address book, and all the applications are in itunes already. so its pointless for me to backup.
i doubt there is a way
but... a guy can dream can't he =3
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