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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 31, 2008
I have my home Mac with my personal Apple ID, and I have a work Mac where I use a different dedicated work-only Apple ID. On the work Mac I can load up Books, sign in to the app with my personal Apple ID. I see my entire library, and if I download a book, all previous bookmarks and highlights are in there.

The problem is, if I add a bookmark or highlight on my work Mac, it does not sync anywhere. It only remains on the work device. I believe this is because the work Mac sync does not access my personal iCloud sync. I thought, well I'll just set up family sharing on my personal ID, add my work Apple ID as a family member, and then both devices will be able to sync to my personal iCloud.

That did not work, it did nothing.

I have been researching and cannot find a solution. Any ideas?


macrumors 6502a
Sep 13, 2022
Seems like this would work across Chrome if you used the same login on both. (Skipping iCloud entirely and allowing Google to sync them)

Not sure as I've never tried it - I use iCloud.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 31, 2008
Seems like this would work across Chrome if you used the same login on both. (Skipping iCloud entirely and allowing Google to sync them)

Not sure as I've never tried it - I use iCloud.
Use Chrome to sync bookmarks in Apple Books?
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