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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 11, 2014
When syncing music to an iPhone or iPad using the new Catalina method, I keep getting the message "Syncing Artwork (Step 5 of 5) - Waiting for items to copy" since trying to move my music files on an iMac to an external drive.
I notice there are many posts for type of problem going back many years, but I can't find a solution.
Any thoughts?
Am on the latest iPhone software and Big Sur on my MBP, but synching my phone hangs on step 5, syncing artwork. Did you ever get an answer to your question?
you could just copy the file from your desk top to your iPhone using the Files ios applicaiton?
Just saw this, thanks for the suggestion jeyf, not sure how that would work for my 854 albums... :) If it was one or a few I could likely do the Files move, just not certain how to identify if it is all or some of the artwork... Sigh.
-seems every ios app handles networks and files different.

-you might consider keeping redundant copies on both the iPhone and on a cloud service. just content.
-once files are outside ios you have more options
-ios seems is limited on speed and reliability. IOS connectivity is odd too. Wonder why (not) being hand held and all that. Your mother should have taught you NOT to use odd cables & random external hard drives hung off of odd priopritary io ports.

I NEVER keep original content on a device; iPhone or macOS. Always put it up on a home NAS box.
In the past I have been lazy about keeping multiple levels of backups. I never lost anything to important.
Paranoia got the better of me and i bought a 2nd NAS box strictly for backup. good move. Maybe i should get a 3rd NAS box.

digitial media is not going away but life gets more complicated
I kept a neighborhood family store front going as my day job slipped into retirement. I will NOT keep hard copy paper recipts even to save kittens. Every file i re name or delete gets archived auto magic. End of this year, this year, i have ~5K+ files to clean up.
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