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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Aug 4, 2008
I read on Apple's site that it's possible to sync PDF files with iBooks. Decided to make several PDF files using InDesign, but after hitting sync, nothing happens. The bookshelves seem empty...

You need to add the files to iTunes (drag 'n drop or Add File) and then sync
Try syncing a couple of times... if it doesn't work, try disconnecting the iPad from the computer, then reconnect it.

For some reason it took a couple of tries on mine before it worked.

Once it does, you'll have a new "PDF" button in the iBooks navigation bar.
I read on Apple's site that it's possible to sync PDF files with iBooks. Decided to make several PDF files using InDesign, but after hitting sync, nothing happens. The bookshelves seem empty...
If you want to quickly add a document or a web page to your 'Books' collection in iTunes, all you need to do is to create an alias of iTunes and drag it to ~/Library/PDF Services. Now, when you're browsing the web or viewing documents and you decide that you want to read them later on a portable Apple device just hit Print, click the PDF button on the bottom left corner of the window and choose iTunes. iTunes will launch and receive the PDF. Next, sync your device and you're ready to go.
And if you want, I'm pretty sure you can just email a PDF to yourself, and then it will give you the option of opening it in iBooks l, while saving it to its library
In my next iFlashCardPro app update, you can take pdfs that you have in google docs import them into the app and put them into iBooks :) If apple would ever get to review the update, submitted sunday and still waiting for review :sigh:
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