I 'm trying to find a way to sync ToDos in the same manner that MobileMe handles calendar and contacts (i.e. multiple computers/iphones kept in sync through a server). The only one I've found is OmniFocus. Is that the only option out there?
I 'm trying to find a way to sync ToDos in the same manner that MobileMe handles calendar and contacts (i.e. multiple computers/iphones kept in sync through a server). The only one I've found is OmniFocus. Is that the only option out there?
that application is very nice. I found an app called Things, which is nice also. However, I'm still looking for a cloud-based task syncing service: iphone <-> cloud <-> computer (iCal or some desktop app).
I downloaded the trial of Omnifocus, but it seemed too confusing. Both ToDo and Things were simpler to use, but lacked cloud (MobileMe) syncing. It'd really great if these two app were combined.