Hey guys, after hearing much hype about this Synergy thing, I decided to give it a try. After installing it, it seemed to work great, and the system preferences offered an insanely large batch of configurations. I realized, though, that I could only change a few songs before the beach ball spun its ugly face. It only spun when my mouse was on the toolbar, so I know it's synergy, and not the system. Also, when I switch tracks, the floater will sometimes stays on the screen much too long, and when I move my mouse over the toolbar, there's the ball again. The floater eventually twitches off the screen. There's also a very large pause between when I click on the toolbar, and it actually responds. I'm using the default buttons, with the "enhanced visuals" or whatever they're called turned off. I'm running this on my iBook (see sig), so it shouldn't be lagging like this... Should it? Any help would be appreciated... (I should probably also mention I'm using the latest version, obtained from their website.)