I went the same route as dimme (Mini rather than NAS) and was lucky enough to get my Mini prior to the 2014 downgrade. What was attractive about the Mini was mainly avoiding the myriad little issues involving a non-Apple system on a mostly-Apple network. Most NAS boxes run some flavor of Linux, and while macOS and Linux share a lot of architectural history there's a lot in macOS networking that "Just Doesn't Work" (tm) with classic *nix networking, at least not as well as it should. I've used Linux boxes for many years, longer than I've used macOS, but I didn't want to face the prospect of something not working and having to deal with the computer version of finger pointing between the two OS flavors. I bumped up the memory in my original Mini and replaced the spinner with an internal SD a few years ago and put big NAS-grade spinners in external drives on USB-3 connections. Works like a charm.
Today I'd suggest waiting to see what Apple is going to do with their desktop lines before jumping into this. I would definitely not recommend the current Mini. If you need to get rolling on this you might look for a used 2009 or 2011 Mini and see how that works, then upgrade to whatever Apple decides to allow us to buy if it looks like an improvement over what you have. If you do wait, and Apple drops the ball on supporting headless desktop hardware, then I'd go NAS.